Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We shall not be moved, Occupy Copenhagen

Occupy Copenhagen, General Assembly 3 of December discussing the possible eviction City Hall Square, Copenhagen. We shall not be moved!

Monday, December 5, 2011

I first was pepper sprayed Just standing on the side But it took me being blinded to open up up my eyes

"I'll Occupy"

I first was pepper sprayed
Just standing on the side
But it took me being blinded
to open up up my eyes
Cause I'd read the daily news,
and not responded actively
and I realized then and there
this revolution needed me

So here I am,
camped in a tent
Which is really so convenient
cause I can't afford my rent
But they came with shields and mace
In the night while it was dark
A NYPD army
Sent to clear Zuccotti Park

We'll protest on, with catchy phases
We're going global
From London to Uc Davis
If you think that your batons are going to get us to go home
GO on and hit me, I'll just upload it from my phone.

Until I die,
I'll occupy
As long I know how to sit
And hold this heavy sign
cause the 99 is pissed
and we will not BE dismissed
I'll occupy
I'll occupy
hell yeah

Call us "hippies" call us "homeless,"
yeah we're fed it.
And we "don't know what we want,"
to our discredit.
But if you're reading all the news, funded by the corporations
Its no mystery
How you've missed our declaration

We're armed too
Yeah, we've got twitter
We're a techno savvy nation
And we're bitter
There's no Marie Antoinette
We're dragging to the Guillotine
Got non-violence, you bet!
Cause we aim to keep this clean

We will not go! Bring on the snow!
Got your faceless cooperate body
One peaceful badass foe
We're awake, we saw Wall-e, and you know we're organized
Did you think we'd crumble?
Did you think we'd lay down and not try?

Until I die,
I'll occupy
As long I know how to sit
And hold this heavy sign
cause the 99 is pissed
and we will not be dismissed
I'll occupy
I'll occupy
HELL yeah
HELL yeah!

We're off our Meds, we're watching Ted
And we're into Zombie culture,
But we're not the walking dead
If you want to fight for justice join the masses, we are strong
And it wouldn't hurt to take a
minute to repost this song!

Until we die,
We'll occupy
As long we know how to sit
And hold these heavy sign
cause the 99 is pissed
and we will not be dismissed
We'll occupy
We'll occupy
HELL yeah

I kan true med hule paragraffer

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mohammad at Tahrir Square: We will stay here until they kill us again

A short film with impressions from the Egyptian Revolution in February. Mohammad predicts that the Egyptian regime with support from the West will kill peaceful protesters in Tahrir Square again. Solidarity from Denmark!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

One World. One Revolution. World on fire

Music of Daniel Willads and photos from a changing World. Daniel is a musician and activist in Occupy Denmark http://youtu.be/zClI8LKZG4g

Interview with musician Daniel Willads in Danish
The World is in fire. Youtube:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meet the 99 % on CNN

Meet 10 out of 99 % at City Hall Square, Copenhagen. See the interviews and portraits on CNN

Meet the 99% Directors Cut
CNN asked me to make 10 portraits of people who support the 99 %. Above are the quotes CNN chose. Below is the full text we sent to CNN. Click on the photo to see all 10 portraits.

I do not want to be the richest body in the graveyard
Pierre Tavares
41 years old
Student of Project leadership
I want to show my solidarity with all the many people around the globe who are getting tired of the fact that corruption and greed are destroying everything. It is destroying our culture, our economy, in fact the whole World. It has got to stop. Many people think that life is about being the richest body in the graveyard. I am so fed up about it.

It is long overdue
Marcus Pauer
34 years old
Volunteer coordinator for Greenpeace in Northern Europe.
I was very amazed seeing the pictures coming from New York. I think something is rising up and it is long overdue. I am extremely happy to see this and I want to express my support for the protesters in New York and around Europe. It is a good cause.

We are the ones that must pay
Christine Jacobsen
45 years old
The people must be heard in this time of crisis.  We are the ones that pay and the rich are not. It is about time we do something about that.

The banks are fooling us
Tor Nørretranders
56 years old
Professor, writer and lecturer  
We must talk about what is happening with our society. Things are going wrong. We are loosing cohesiveness and somebody is fooling us, the banks for example. It is sad that nothing is done about the hunger and the climate. We are impatient.

I will fight for my children
Ann Christine Foverskov
39 years old
Law student
I have two children that I want to fight for. I also want to fight for children around the World. It is grotesque how we tell our children that they must not beat each other that they must not lie and none the less, we see violence and lies every day in television. What we need is some honesty.

I am moved and feel empowered
Lars Munck
Freelancer, illustrator, storyboard artist, collector of antique gentlemens clothes.

I grew up with deaf parents, who because of their use of a different language, always have been somewhat left out of society. When I experienced the Occupy movement’s use of hand signs and consensus democracy I was moved and felt empowered. The reason I'm here is because I want a world that holds a greater respect for nature and fellow human beings. I find it problematic the way consumerism and profit have become a religion that people don't question. When I began collecting antique gentlemen’s clothes, I wondered: How can these clothes still exist after 80 years, when a T-shirt bought in H&M lasts only six months? But today things are made to be replaced quickly so we can buy new stuff. This has serious impact on human lives and on our natural resources. We need to start asking questions about how this whole system works. Because I believe it can be changed.

We are thinking too much and feeling to little
Hans Vestergaard
32 years old
IT system developer
I am protesting against the social inequality in the world. I cannot see why the corporations have so much power. The never-ending hunt for profit does not have a positive outcome. We are forgetting our humanity. We are thinking too much and feeling too little. And unfortunately we think with money.

I understand the fear people are feeling
23 years old
I could not find a job after finishing my studies in England, so I went to Denmark. I can do many things, kitchen work for example, but I have not been able to find anything. I am in a lot of debt because of my education. It is quite scary to think about going into life with so much debt. So I understand the fear people are feeling around the world. It is affecting people’s lives in a lot of ways. I think it is important, even if your situation is not the worst, to support people that are the 99 %.

We need a new revolution
36 years old
Student of International Development
I am protesting against what capitalism has become. The system favors the rich. The rich are getting richer and the workers are getting poorer. It is a system that is costing many lives around the world. It is a crime against humanity. We need a new revolution.

Hope and collaboration in spite of differences
Trine Dam Ottosen
Film director, freelancer

I am one out of many people that have been hoping for change for a long time. The Occupy movement is about creating something new together. In Occupy Wall st. they have made it work, and they are doing it on a scale that we have not seen since the seventies. The beautiful thing is, that this movement consists of both young and old, workers and academics, and everyone participates on an equal basis. Here is a movement that inspires hope and collaboration in spite of differences, because ultimately we are all fighting for the same: A better world. My causes are about creating a world much more in balance. Both economically and ecologically. We must use our excellent resources as human beings, to make the world function in a more embracive and brainier way. To do that, I believe we must start from below. We must start from the streets and empower people, including those whose voices are not usually heard.

Photos: Mikkel
Text: Didda and Mikkel

Monday, October 31, 2011

10 portraits of people in Denmark who support the 99 % movement and tell the World why. See CNN report with portraits from 10 Cities around the World among those Copenhagen

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Politiet vil rydde Occupy CPH

Politiet vil rydde Occupy CPH om en time, fortæller de fra Rådhuspladsen torsdag den 27/10. kl 10.00

Sunday, October 23, 2011

99 witnesses from the 99 %

Se more and more smartphone videos day by day on Occupy Smartphones Facebook Page


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tor Nørretranders: Bankerne tager røven på os

99 vidner, der støtter de 99 % - Tor Nørretrander

Her kommer den første film i serien:
99 vidner
Serien er interviews med folk, der støtter de 99 %

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bring your own tent saturday at 3 pm

Bring your own tent saturday at 3 pm. That is the request from Occupy CPH as they are preparing for a colorful demonstration

Allowed to practice Democracy?

A short movie from a meeting with the Police

Who decides when we are allowed to practice Democracy? That was one of the questions some of the Occupiers had for the Police at the meeting thursday the 20th at 7.30 pm. The meeting was initiated by the campers on City Hall Square Copenhagen who decided to call the police and invite them to a dialogue.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who decides our destiny
During the six o'clock assembly today, October 20th the campers on City Hall Square Copenhagen decided to call the police and invite them to a dialogue about the situation. Below you can see pictures and a short film from the peaceful dialogue that took place in a round circle where also the three police officers were convinced to have a seat. Questions like: Who decides our destiny? were asked. 

CNN iReport
The 99 % are talking together

The assembly continues


Meeting at 6pm - discussing how to tackle the police


Stormøde i dag kl 18 på Rådhuspladsen General Assembly 6 pm City Hall Square

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy Denmark 20 of October, City Hall Square


waiting for the police and 2nd arrest in les than 12 hours

Occupy Denmark 20 of October, City Hall Square


Release Party
Glæde på Rådhuspladsen og gruppekram, da de anholdte minus en var blevet løsladt.

De hyler mod himmelen for løsladelse af den sidste anholdte

Photos of the arrests


Occupy Denmark 19October, City Hall Square


Occupy Denmark 19October, City Hall Square


Waiting for the police


Occupy Denmark 19October, City Hall Square


Occupy Denmark 19October, City Hall Square


19 October - expecting the police

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Assembly in the Sun

Here is a short iPhone video from assembly at City Hall Square day 3:


The meeting is held in a mixture of English and Danish because the occupiers are from different parts of the Planet. The sun was shining but the occupiers are preparing for rain tomorrow. The assembly decided to hold protests every saturday at 3 pm City Hall Square.

Here are some photos from the first 3 days:

Occupy Denmark 17th of October, City Hall Square


Occupy Denmark - not Afghanistan

Occupy Denmark 17th of October, City Hall Square


meeting monday - day 3

Decision: Protest saturdays at 3 pm City Hall Square

Sunday, October 16, 2011

11 pm day 2 at City Hall Square camp

Slideshow at a duvet . Next to the camp a library is taking form. Two new campers arrive at and sit down at a fire while the other campers are clapping. Hot chocolate is the preferred drink this late night.

Can you provide?
We need:

Tom Morello performing "Worldwide Rebel Song" @ Liberty Park | Occupy Wa...

Yes we camp - in Copenhagen

12 stayed all night. It was down to 1 degree celsius. At 3 pm the Occupiers decided to stay and work to extend the camp. Decisions were made to create a library at the City Hall Square, to organize in groups and spread the message: We stay here - come join us

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy Denmark on CNN iReport

Occupy Denmark is on CNN iReport with photos and videos from the 15th of october

Humanize the World

Two protesters telling about why they came to City Hall Square in Copenhagen today on october 15th: We came because we have a need to show solidarity with people  in countries all over the world. We gather to humanize the development for all people.

 Here is one of them speaking at the open mike.  

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